The MTC or Multiplications Table Check is an on-screen check of 25 times table questions which the children take on a device at the end of year 4. The children have 6 seconds to answer each question and get a short gap between each question.

The MTC is to check how many of the times tables children know up to 12×12. It does not ask division questions. Times tables are such an important part of maths learning for children and knowledge of tables has a huge impact on future learning including fractions, decimals, ratio and problem solving. Success at the MTC will put children in a very positive place for access the the curriculum in Year 5, 6 and beyond.

At Harry Hotspur, to support the children taking the MTC, we teach all times tables explicitly in class. This helps children understand patterns and builds rapid recall. We then use Times Table Rock Stars to rehearse and learn through practice. Children across Year 3 and 4 are checked regularly on the ‘Studio’ function within TTRS and we support their learning by checking any gaps which children may have.

The information leaflet below includes some helpful advice for parents. Our ongoing TTRS homework is a great way to help your child prepare for the MTC.
