Although some children bring a healthy packed lunch, we encourage our children at Harry Hotspur to enjoy a freshly cooked meal from our school kitchen. The menus for school dinners run on a three week cycle with a main course and a vegetarian option which are changed seasonally. School dinner cost £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week which should be paid on a Monday in advance.
We also offer the opportunity for children who normally have a packed lunch to have a school dinner on a Wednesday {Roast Day} and on a Friday {Chip Day}.
All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 will be entitled to receive Universal Free School Meals through a government funded scheme where all infant age pupils are entitled to a hot school meal free of charge regardless of individual financial circumstances.
It is still essential that if you are entitled to income related free school meals you apply as greater benefits will be received for school and yourself. The approval of a free school meal (FSM) application would entitle a child to help with curriculum related residential trips or school visits. These are not included in the governments free meals to children up to year 2.
To access these benefits, families must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit and must have an approved Free School Meal claim with Northumberland County Council. If you think that your child may be entitled to free school meals please follow this link to apply.
In order to ensure that children have a greater choice, we will begin offering the children a Grab & Go option {available on a Mon, Tues & Thurs} Children may choose a sandwich with Cheese, Egg Mayo, Ham or Tuna filling. We will continue to work with the children to encourage them to eat well and at least try the different meals that we provide.
If your child has any dietary requirements please let the office know and we will try our best to accommodate this.
Free School Meals
For more Information contact the Free School Meals Team at Northumberland County Council:
Telephone: 01670 623592
Email: childrensservices@northumberland.gov.uk
If you are in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Child Tax Credit with NO Working Tax Credit (Income below £16,190)
- Income Support
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Based Employment and Support Allowance
- Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
- The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Benefits of registering for free school meals
Although your child will be entitled to receive Universal Free School Meals through a government funded scheme – where all infant age pupils are entitled to a hot school meal free of charge, regardless of individual financial circumstances – It is still essential that if you are entitled to income related free school meals that you apply, as greater benefits will be received for your child, your child’s school and yourself.
The approval of an FSM application would entitle a child to:
- Help with music tuition and instruments – Parents can claim a refund of £3.00 per session from the costs when 7 of the 10 classes have be attended by the student. The child’s school will make the appropriate arrangements for this service.
- Help with curriculum related residential trips or school visits – The child’s school will make the appropriate arrangements for this service.
The above are not included in the governments free meals to children up to Year 2. To access these benefits families must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit and must have an approved Free School Meal claim with Northumberland County Council.
As long as family circumstances don’t change, the claim will already be set up for children entering Year 3.
The school will receive extra funding, which will benefit all children.
Welcome to Arbor
Welcome to Arbor! Harry Hotspur is now using the Parent Portal/Arbor App and has set up an account for you.
To finish creating your account you just need to set a password. Your username is the email address we’ve sent this email to.
Go to https://login.arbor.sc and click Forgot your password? to finish setting up your account.
If you have any queries please contact Mrs Ramezanpour
The Arbor App can be downloaded from either the Playstore on android phones or the Apple Store on iPhones.