Dear parents / carers,
After a busy month of inspections, we can now share with you the first report to be published. This is our SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) report from our inspection on 22nd November.
The report confirms that we are a GOOD school. It highlights our many strengths and a few areas which continue to develop. The full report is attached here and it on our website.
I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a few of my favourite comments which I hope you will agree really capture the essence of our school:
The myriad of visits and visitors offered are educational and accessible to all. These effectively broaden horizons and raise aspirations.
Pastoral care is a strength. It ensures that all are nurtured and valued equally.
Pupils’ character and moral development are impressive.
They behave well, are welcoming to all and are polite. They speak of the importance of empathy and acceptance.
Pupils are actively involved in making positive changes for themselves and the world.
Relationships are a palpable strength of this school community.
Older pupils show daily interest in the wellbeing of younger pupils. They play together and care for one another at break times.
Pupils know how to be safe and happy because adults act as strong role models.
Pupils’ enjoyment of RE fully reflects the school’s vision for pupils to achieve together.
St Michael’s is a school where there is a tangible sense of hope for the future.
There is a relentless focus on aspiration and achievement, underpinned by Christian care for every individual within the community.
I am very proud of this achievement for the whole school community and want to thank everyone who helped to make this inspection such a success.
We have a lot to celebrate here at Harry Hotspur – please pass this onto friends, family members and neighbours to share the positive story about our school. If you know of anyone who would like to make contact with us about a possible place please encourage them to get in touch to arrange a visit.
We will have information about our Ofsted report to share very soon!
Best wishes,
Gavin Johnston – ‘proud’ Head Teacher!