Welcome to the Friends of Harry Hotspur.  We are a registered charity and our aim is to enrich the educational experience of our children by raising additional funds for the school.

We also hope to develop a good sense of community by holding a series of fun social gatherings that bring the whole school community – parents, children and staff – together.

All parents are automatically members of the Friends and we would like to encourage as much involvement as possible.  The more we put into the school, the more our children get from their experience at Harry Hotspur.  There are many ways to get involved:

Getting Involved

FOHH Meetings – All welcome please come and give us your ideas {you don’t need to come to every meeting!}

Getting involved is easy and being involved is fun!  We’re always welcome to new ideas and suggestions.  Here are a few ways to participate:

  • Attending events and activities
  • More people = greater fun = more money raised
  • Volunteering to help with specific events or activities
  • We always need help to prepare for and run our events.  You don’t need to be an expert in anything, just willing to muck in and get involved!
  • Join the Friends committee

We welcome volunteers who want to be more actively involved on a more regular basis.  Come and join the committee – you can do this at any time.  We meet a couple of times a term.

How Your Money Helps

As with all state-funded schools, the state funding is never enough to meet the school’s needs.  Our fund raising is vital and helps us to provide many things for the children that would otherwise not be available.  The pantomime, school outings, the free reader books, new play equipment and Residentials  have all been helped to be funded by our efforts.

Watch this space for new of our next exciting project.